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No New Posts bowman lake

Bowman lake was named after a curious wolf who once joined Kintla pack and made a name for himself. He was a story teller and a seer, though most of the wolves in the pack only valued him for stories. They liked the wolf well enough to name the long lake in their territory after him. It is a very long lake, almost like a very wide river in some ways than a lake. It's shores are bordered by steep hills and small mountains, while the southern shores are mostly marshlands that attract wildlife such as waterfowl and moose. The lake itself is a deep blue and very deep, with many different species of fish living in it's waters. There have been rumors of monster fish that rarely come to the surface, but there have been no sightings of such fish in many generations, so the legend has been nearly forgotten. Monster fish or no, the lake is part of a lush area that supports a large amount of wildlife.

2 4 Haididlidee.. an actors life for me..[Joining]
by Aislin <3
Jul 12, 2011 15:32:51 GMT -5
No New Posts kintla lake

The pack was named after Kintla lake, but the lake itself was named for one of the founders of the pack, Kintla. Originally the pack name was different. It can be assumed that one of Kintla's descendants changed the name of the pack to honor their ancestor long ago. The lake that it was assumed the pack was named for is the largest in the territory, and one of several lakes. It's vast surface is a rich, glassy blue, the sign of deep waters. If wolves could swim then they would know just how deep; it reaches at least one thousand feet down, if not more in some places. Hundreds of species of fish can be found in the lake that is surrounded by rish forests and small mountains. Kintla lake is the gemstone of the packlands. Any visitors are first brought to this lake, which is considered to also embody the spirit of Kintla herself, for approval by the pack leader. Only when the pack feels that Kintla has accepted them may they be accepted into the pack.

3 10 :;meet & greet [Laya]
by »rosto
Jul 5, 2011 23:11:53 GMT -5
No New Posts quartz lake

Quartz lake is fairly small in comparison to the larger lakes in Kintla territory. No one is sure why it was named quartz, since there is no quartz here. Nothing in the pack lore even says anything about the name. However, most of the lake is very rocky and very shallow, meaning that there is very little in the way of fish in the lake. That doesn't make it a bad lake. There is a lot of marshland around it, as well as forested areas, that offer a place for animals to thrive. On the western shore of the lake there are a few rocky hills. it is in these hills that the pack makes it's dens; the hils are protective and the rocky slopes make it hard to get to the dens. The lake provides game that nourishes the pack, and it is close enough that hunting parties do not have to travel far to find it. The den site does have one or two weaknesses; coyotes, bears, and birds of prey are also common in the area, providing competition for resources and dangers for pups.

1 10 Jetela: A Second Chance
by mutt
Jun 6, 2011 15:22:17 GMT -5
No New Posts rock gardens

The rock gardens is a series of rocky hills that spring up in the middle of a small plain. They are much like the hills around the dens at quartz lake, but there are many more hills and some of them are much rockier. This place has no real significance in the way of game, though bighorn sheep do frequent the area, sometimes in large numbers. The only important even that took place here is nearly forgotten by most wolves and rarely mentioned. However, there are those that remember the fight between two brothers that took place here many years ago; they were the brothers that were born to the first alpha of Kintla pack, though few remember the event because they focus more on the takeover of Kintla and her offspring that happened soon after the battle of the brothers.

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kintla pack territory

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kintla pack territory
Kintla was named for Kintla Lake, the largest lake in the territory. It is not as large and Glacier and Nyack packs, but not as small as Crandell. Still in the more northern parts of Everfrost, Kintla gets a lot of snow in the winter. It is lush, but has fewer rivers and streams to feed it’s growth. The four lakes in the land are the main sources of water for the pack. Part of the lake is open hills that eventually turn into mountains. There is even a section of the territory that is known as the rock gardens, where the hills are covered in rocks throughout a large area. Kintla’s territory still mostly is made up of lakes, which means that many moose make their home in the area. Of course, there are many other creatures that are drawn to the lakes, as well as the wolves. This is a good place to live, but Kintla, like Crandell, can be a test of one’s strength.
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