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One river that feeds Hungry Horse Lake is known as Emerald River. It pours into the lake from a high cliff, forming a set of falls. However, Emerald Falls is farther upstream than the falls running into the lake, and it is much more beautiful than the lake falls. The falls pours down from a cliff in a vertical line that looks smooth and perfectly straight. Rainbows glance off of the falling waters. The rocks at the base of the falls are the result of past rockfalls that occur as the water eats away at the rock. Occasionally the rocks fall without warning to crush anything beneath them. Those that fell years ago are covered in moss and sit as if they belong there. There is no telling what lies beneath them now; they are too large to move.

4 27 they C R A S H around y o u. /open
by → malik
Oct 3, 2010 9:25:21 GMT -5

hungry horse lake

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hungry horse lake
Hungry Horse Lake is the largest lake in all of Everfrost. It lies near the northern and western borders, closer to Nyack pack than to any of the other packs. it covers more than twenty-three thousand acres of land and can be very deep in some places. It is home to a few different species of fish, including smaller version of the white fish said to be seen in Whitefish lake. The lake is fed by snowmelt each year, causing it to grow during the spring months, only to shrink again during the warmer summer months. It received it's name because, upon discovering the lake, the wolves found a group of horses that had died there. All that was left were skeletons, and there was no explanation for their deaths.
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