quartz lake

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quartz lake
Quartz lake is fairly small in comparison to the larger lakes in Kintla territory. No one is sure why it was named quartz, since there is no quartz here. Nothing in the pack lore even says anything about the name. However, most of the lake is very rocky and very shallow, meaning that there is very little in the way of fish in the lake. That doesn't make it a bad lake. There is a lot of marshland around it, as well as forested areas, that offer a place for animals to thrive. On the western shore of the lake there are a few rocky hills. it is in these hills that the pack makes it's dens; the hils are protective and the rocky slopes make it hard to get to the dens. The lake provides game that nourishes the pack, and it is close enough that hunting parties do not have to travel far to find it. The den site does have one or two weaknesses; coyotes, bears, and birds of prey are also common in the area, providing competition for resources and dangers for pups.
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