lewa's tree

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[A.n.y.u] 14 269 by Dastang
Jul 10, 2011 16:06:19 GMT -5
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tok 5 249 by ○ t h o r n
Jul 5, 2011 22:11:42 GMT -5


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lewa's tree
Legend has it that there was once a kind, old, wise wolf that lived where Lewa's Tree now stands. Her name was Lewa, and she had lived many long years. She lived during the first appearances of the Stone, and it is said that she received some kind of power from it, though no one knows what. One day, she disappeared from her home in a glade within Whitefall forest, and in her place was a beautiful tree with bark as white as a soft wolf's coat and branches that hung low and rich with beautiful white blossoms. The tree can still be found today. Its blossoms never die, even in the winter, and it always sits alone in it's glade, watching over the forest. Occasionally, a wolf might curl up in it's roots for the night as they rest and wake up the next morning feeling as though they have learned something important.
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