bowman lake

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newBookmarkLockedFalling » activity check #006
[A.n.y.u] 14 269 by Dastang
Jul 10, 2011 16:06:19 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Haididlidee.. an actors life for me..[Joining]
Aislin <3 0 169 by Aislin <3
Jul 12, 2011 15:32:51 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling so why don't you s l i d e . [ laya ]
→ malik 2 105 by → malik
Oct 29, 2010 16:09:34 GMT -5


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bowman lake
Bowman lake was named after a curious wolf who once joined Kintla pack and made a name for himself. He was a story teller and a seer, though most of the wolves in the pack only valued him for stories. They liked the wolf well enough to name the long lake in their territory after him. It is a very long lake, almost like a very wide river in some ways than a lake. It's shores are bordered by steep hills and small mountains, while the southern shores are mostly marshlands that attract wildlife such as waterfowl and moose. The lake itself is a deep blue and very deep, with many different species of fish living in it's waters. There have been rumors of monster fish that rarely come to the surface, but there have been no sightings of such fish in many generations, so the legend has been nearly forgotten. Monster fish or no, the lake is part of a lush area that supports a large amount of wildlife.
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